“There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people.” ~~ Thomas Jefferson
Filed Under: Attitude, Experience, Freedom, Life, Limits, Thomas Jefferson
Education Quotes
Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) American third U.S. President.
Thomas Jefferson Biography
Thomas Jefferson Books
“There is nothing more unequal than the equal treatment of unequal people.” ~~ Thomas Jefferson
Filed Under: Attitude, Experience, Freedom, Life, Limits, Thomas Jefferson
“In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” ~~
Thomas Jefferson
Filed Under: Character, Determination, Thomas Jefferson
“I served with General Washington in the legislature of Virginia before the revolution, and, during it, with Dr. Franklin in Congress. I never heard either of them speak ten minutes at a time, nor to any but the main point which was to decide the question. They laid their shoulders to the great points, knowing that the little ones would follow of themselves.
If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send 150. lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, & talk by the hour? That 150 lawyers should do business together ought not to be expected. ” ~~ Thomas Jefferson
Submitted by Whole Cloth.
Filed Under: Reader Submissions, Thomas Jefferson