“The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, it is not poverty — it is the effectiveness of the teacher.” ~~ Harry K. Wong
Filed Under: Achievement, Harry K. Wong, Learning, Teaching
Education Quotes
“The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, it is not poverty — it is the effectiveness of the teacher.” ~~ Harry K. Wong
Filed Under: Achievement, Harry K. Wong, Learning, Teaching
“Benevolence alone will not make a teacher, nor will learning alone do it. The gift of teaching is a peculiar talent, and implies a need and a craving in the teacher himself.” ~~ John Jay Chapman
Filed Under: John Jay Chapman, Teaching
“As a teacher I feel I have a moral obligation to help the children in my classroom grow toward becoming full human beings and to feel successful.” ~~ Jean Medick
Filed Under: Children, Jean Medick, Success, Teaching
“Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other.” ~~ Benjamin Franklin
Filed Under: Benjamin Franklin, Experience, Teaching
“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” ~~ Victor Hugo
Filed Under: Dreams, Optimism, Teaching, Victor Hugo
“We shouldn’t teach great books; we should teach a love of reading.” ~~ B. F. Skinner
Filed Under: B. F. Skinner, Reading, Teaching
“The one real object of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions.” ~~ Bishop Mandell Creighton
Filed Under: Attitude, Bishop Mandell Creighton, Education, Enthusiasm, Intelligence, Knowledge, Learning, Limits, Optimism, Teaching
“It’s not what is poured into a student, but what is planted.” ~~ Linda Conway
Filed Under: Knowledge, Learning, Linda Conway, Teaching